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Spiro SP261J - Children's skort - Black

  1-11 12-35 36 + Lager Antal
9/11 - L 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 25
7/8 - M 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 5
5/6 - S 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 19
11/12 - XL 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 18
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Spiro SP261J

Polyester and cotton skort. This model has been specially designed for children. This skort is light and breathable to allow good air circulation. Made from a quick-drying Quick Dry fabric, it is an ideal outfit for practicing indoor sports such as tennis, but also outdoors. The cut is comfortable. The shorts are integrated under the skirt. The waistband is elasticated for good support. The skirt has side slits. The fabric is embossed to facilitate the evaporation of perspiration.

Skirt: 100% polyester.
Shorts: 95% cotton/5% elathane


Kommentarer på Spiro SP261J

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Spiro SP261J - Children's skort Black
Storlek 1-11 12-35 36 + Lager Antal
9/11 - L 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 25
7/8 - M 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 5
5/6 - S 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 19
11/12 - XL 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 18
Spiro SP261J - Children's skort Navy
Storlek 1-11 12-35 36 + Lager Antal
9/11 - L 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 4
7/8 - M 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 7
5/6 - S 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 3
11/12 - XL 198.99 kr 165.99 kr 136.99 kr 22